
Malatesta Montefeltro Life is sweet in the Rimini hills

The Malatesta Seignory is the name of the historic region which was formed in Mediaeval and Renaissance times in the southern part of Romagna, between the Adriatic sea and the hills of the Montefeltro region ruled by the Dukes of Urbino. During the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries the Malatestas were one of the families which shaped the history of Italy. They possessed lands in a number of regions, but the heart of the Seignory and the centre of their power was their capital, Rimini, and the surrounding hills. The symbols of their power are still visible: Castel Sismondo and the Malatesta Temple in Rimini; and fortified villages, fortresses and castles scattered throughout the attractive Marecchia and Conca valleys. The Malatesta Seignory is the name used today to define the crown of hills and countryside overlooking the seaside of Rimini Riviera: fifteen Municipalities which have kept intact their natural and historic attractions, and are ready to offer to visitors the best of their culture and traditions. Town centres unchanged by time, fortified villages, majestic fortresses, paintings and frescos in even the most humble churches, museums which cherish the traces of a past both ancient and recent. Historic tokens set in a landscape of gentle hills in the Conca valley and imposing crags in the Marecchia valley, villages and hamlets surrounded by farmland, olive groves and vineyards, oak and chestnut woods. Breathtaking views and balconies from which you can see both the blue horizon of the sea and the furthest mountains. The towns and villages in the Malatesta Seignory are: Coriano, Gemmano, Mondaino, Montecolombo, Montefiore Conca, Montegridolfo, Montescudo, Morciano di Romagna, Poggio Berni, Saludecio, San Clemente, San Giovanni in Marignano, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Torriana and Verucchio. Deciding to leave the Marche region and the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, since 15 August 2009 seven municipalities of the Upper Marecchia Valley, formerly the territory of the Montefeltro, have become part of the Province of Rimini: these are Casteldelci, Maiolo, Novafeltria, Pennabilli, San Leo, Sant’Agata Feltria, Talamello. (Italian law no. 117 dated 3 August 2009).

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